Wim Wenders - Desperado

Žánr: Documentary film / Trailer
Rok: 2019/2020
Minutáž: 02:15 min
Popis: Documentary about director Wim Wenders, who became a central figure of New German Cinema with films such as "Im Lauf der Zeit" ("Kings of the Road") and "Der Himmel über Berlin" ("Wings of Desire"), and also enjoyed great international success with works such as "Buena Vista Social Club" and "Paris, Texas". In the film, the filmmakers visit iconic locations from Wenders' works and trace significant periods in his diverse career as a director, photographer and writer. The film includes previously unreleased archival footage as well as conversations with companions, friends and colleagues, including Francis Ford Coppola, Willem Dafoe, Andie MacDowell, Patti Smith and Werner Herzog.
Poskytovatel: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Práva: In Copyright / Studio Hamburg Enterprises GmbH (Hamburg)
Director: Eric Friedler
Campino -
Typ dokumentu:
Language: de